
Teamwork Technology offers the following commercial services. We focus on sustainable energy, new technologies and innovation. 

Rapid prototyping

As technology developers we know how important it is to start small in order to grow fast. We have a broad experience in making prototypes.


A picture says more than a thousand words. We make high quality artist impressions of your product. We can also make 3D animated movies.


Bridging the gap between ideas and a useful product needs a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Our multidisciplinary team work on buildings, mechanical construction, electrical and hydraulic controls, but really excel on the system level where all disciplines work together.


With over 20 years of experience in developing new technologies and businesses in the renewables industry, we have built quite some knowledge and a broad network, that we like to share with you.

Contact us

14 + 13 =


Bergerweg 200 (building c)
1817MN Alkmaar
The Netherlands


T: +31(0)226423411