On February 22nd Teamwork Technology organised “Meet Symphony”. An event to introduce Symphony Wave Power to potential suppliers and other interested parties. During the afternoon wave energy was introduced as new way of wave generation, including theoretical background, technical solutions and a business case.
Aim of the day was to build a consortium around Symphony which is capable to bring Symphony to development with a joined effort in man, materials and money.
Camiel Feij of Artefact 3D (artefact3d.nl) presented a virtual reality animation of the Symphony. and Claudio Bittencourt of DNV GL shared the DNV-GL Outlook on Energy transition towards 2050 and specific his professional view on wave energy (https://eto.dnvgl.com/2017/).
Fred Gardner and Roelof Schuitema of Teamwork Technology presented Symphony’s technical and business development facts and figures. At the end of the day everybody was invited to come to the workshop where key parts of the Symphony’s test configuration are being assembled.
We were pleased to welcome a large group and got good feedback. Without doubt this will help Symphony Wave Power to become a significant addition to renewable offshore energy sources.
Together with several participants the symphony team is now working out the plan forward to define the consortium team. As soon as there is a more clear picture a follow up on “Meet Symphony” will be organised. If you would like to be invited to this – or if you know somebody that might be interested – please don’t hesitate to let us know about it and let’s meet soon!
Symphony’s progress will be posted on the websites of Teamwork Technology and Symphony Wave Power.
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