Welcome to Teamwork Cooperation

Teamwork Technology is enhancing the transition towards a sustainable world by starting up successful enterprises with impact.

The products and services of our start-ups contribute to a sustainable world by renewable energy production, efficient energy storage and efficient use of available energy.

In cooperation with our extended network, innovations and ideas are being developed from a technical, commercial and social point of view. Teamwork drives ideas towards independent and successful enterprises. In that way making profit and improving our environment goes together naturally. This is what we call: building sustainable businesses.

Do you want to contribute building a sustainable world and are you interested in a healthy return? Join our network by sharing your ideas or by investing in Teamwork. Let’s build a sustainable world together, that is what we call: Teamwork.


Symphony in Wave & Tidal Magazine

'Dutch company Teamwork Technology, with its international collaborators, is carefully composing final parts of the Symphony Wave Power before letting it live up to its name and perform in harmony with the ocean safely beneath its surface.' Wave Tidal Energy Network...

Inspiring Ocean Energy Europe Conference

The Ocean Energy Europe Conference is the largest gathering of ocean energy professionals organised by Ocean Energy Europe, the industry association representing ocean energy in Europe. The energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future is more important now than...

Ocean Energy Workshop in Sines Portugal

Monday the 11th of October marked the next phase of the Symphony Wave Power technology. Ending the basepoint project en transferring into Encore. During a very successful  Ocean Energy workshop in Sines, Portugal, the results of the turbine testing (the BASEPOINT...

Ocean Wave Energy Workshop: Mark your Calendar

Ocean Wave Energy Workshop: Recent Developments, Needs and The Green Ports Context On the 11th of October, a face-to-face workshop on the latest developments in the field of wave energy will take place at the Sines Tecnopolo facilities in Portugal.In this event,...

Succesfull test Symphony Wave Power

The Teamwork Technology crew tested successfully their upgraded turbine in Portugal. Symphony Wave Power is testing their main parts under the Encore program before integrating them to the full functioning device. The turbine was operating good at the programmed...

Multimetaal from Den Helder invests in the innovative Symphony Wave Power

Multimetaal, a technical specialist in the metal industry in Den Helder, is going to invest in wave energy. The company will play an important part in the development of Symphony Wave Power's technology in addition to obtaining a share in the Teamwork Technology...

Tussen Kolen en Parijs

Wave energy from Symphony Wave Power is included in the Dutch digital magazine “Tussen Kolen en Parijs” (between coal and Paris) of Dutch renewable energy innovation platform Urgenda. The guide was published June 23, 2021. In this guide, Urgenda shows that there is...

Symphony Wave Power published in Dutch Book on sustainable energy

Vincent wants Sun, a blog of Dutch newspaper 'Trouw', has been a journey of discovery on sustainable energy for ten years. Readers of 'Trouw' followed the journey through the blog. A book containing the most remarkable developments has been published recently. Writer...

About Interreg 2 Seas Encore program

Aim The aim of the ENCORE project  is to advance five offshore renewable energy technologies (including wave energy convertors, tidal and river current turbines and offshore floating solar) in a structured and collaborative process and to develop open-source tools...

Wave Power and Hydrogen

Teamwork Technology performed a feasibility study about the production of hydrogen directly out of wave energy. Using Symphony Wave Power as primary source, it can directly convert wave energy into hydrogen. The study is supported by the province of Noord Holland....

contact us

Bergerweg 200 (building c)
1817MN Alkmaar
The Netherlands

T: +31(0)226423411
E: info@teamwork.nl

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